Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Seattle Keeps Whining About Sonics

You would think that if Seattle truly loved their Sonics as much as their biggest whiners claim, they would get more people to attend the games. Still, with an inevitable (and economically wise) move to Oklahoma City, some Seattle residents just can't stop whining that they've lost their team and can't resist showing their hatred for Oklahoma because of it. In their most vitriolic child-like moments, they've called Oklahoma residents every unoriginal name in the book, apparently not realizing the inherent embarrassment they must suffer for being outmaneuvered and outperformed by us "backward people." At least one Seattle columnist realizes it's absurd to keep the Sonics in Seattle, even if he is a whiner himself.

Note to Seattle residents: you can fight all you want to keep our NBA team in Seattle for one or two more seasons, but ultimately you're going to lose-- the team and your money. You've already lost your pride. Give up, and focus on hockey. Or maybe we'll take that, too.

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