Saturday, June 21, 2008

Democrats allow banks to write bailout legislation

Hat tip: NRO/The Corner


George Babbitt said...

So Bank of America (based in San Francisco) doesn't deserve a bailout for its bad loans, while Bear Stearns (noted GOP contributor) does a bailout for its bad loans. Typical Republican hypocrisy.

Bail 'em both out, or better still take a True Conservative™ approach and let the market decide whether they live or die.

Barrett Coldyron said...

How is this Republican hypocrisy? This is about letting the corporation write legislation that will benefit them enormously at the cost of taxpayers (this legislation includes Bear Stearns, so your point is off). Liberals exploded with rage when they accused Republicans of allowing big bad oil companies to write energy legislation. Now, Democrats are doing the exact same thing, except for an irresponsible banking industry. And we, the taxpayers, get to pay for it. If anyone is being a hypocrite, it's Democrats.

Barrett Coldyron said...

By the way, Bear Stearns is a noted DEMOCRAT contributor now. Since 2006, the relevant time vis-a-vis the legislation, they have contributed most of their PAC money to powerful Democrats, not Republicans.